Saturday, May 8, 2010


At my old abandoned high school school, looking for ghosts. Left when it began to feel like I was actually going to see one.

Creepy, wite-haired old-guy (a neighbor) talking to me on the sidewalk. He expressed concern at the kids across the street (although they were my age, he'd said) because they sleep and party on the roof.

I told him I'd say something to them next time I saw them but I had no intention of doing so.

On the way home I wonder if he'd been one of those guys we'd got a "sex offender" notice about in the mail.

Before I'd left for "school" there'd been a mix-up at the house. I had let a strange kitten in by accident. A stray. A sibling of the one we owned. I get home and tell my roommate (unidentified female, short hair) what happened.

"I know, and we're keeping him." She says. The two kittens are asleep together and I realize that our kitten had probably been very lonesome for a cat his own age to play with.

Friday, May 7, 2010


History books in my sister's attic. Dusty. Thick.

I wanted to read them. I needed to. Perhaps I was trying to research something...

But she was freaking out about it. Didn't want me to read these history books. These dumb, dusty history books. And she was making such a big deal about it. It was absurd. Too absurd to be funny. In fact, it made me really angry.

I remember standing in the hallway, filled with an impalpable rage. Screaming. Trying in vain to articulate the absurdity of this situation she'd created for the both of us.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


A television show. I think I watched it twice.

I think it might have been LOST.

From the program:

A man in a spaceship saying: "I have always defied Death. and I will continue to defy him forever!"

An assassin launching his attack in pretty much the dumbest place imaginable.

A surreal post-attack montage of a memorial service somehow perfectly conveying apathy for the fallen hidden beneath a veil of dutiful procedure.

A cliffhanger-esque closing scene of the spaceship pilot flying toward a flaming phoenix, wings outstretched. Cross-shaped.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Me and a younger cousin were summoned by an older cousin (from a different aunt) for a meeting. Apparently the Older Cousin had a potentially lucrative treatment he wanted adapted into a screenplay. I was called in first. I do not remember the details but I remember the story was about football player, and the treatment itself had many typos. I also remember that my Older Cousin dismissed my younger cousin without seeing him, which made me feel a little sad for him but flattered for myself.

I remember thinking to myself, while reading the treatment, that it didn't seem like it would make a good movie but that it would be a great challenge to find the drama, and draw it out.

Older Cousin asked me what I thought. I brought up the issue of payment. Things got awkward. I advised that I wouldn't write it for free, but what i would do is write a detailed outline of the way I thought the screenplay should go. Smiles and handshakes.

Later on, I'm in the living room of my parent's house. Older Cousin is begging my mother for money. I start to feel very guilty.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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